A credit score is a three-digit number that measures a customer’s trustworthiness. It is used by the lenders to predict whether you will be able to repay your loan on time or not. Higher the credit score, the more favorable will be the credit terms.
Personal loans are different from other type of loans such as education loan, home loan, vehicle loan, etc. which serve a specific purpose. Borrowing personal loan becomes inevitable in some situations. But the cost of borrowing personal loan is more as compared to other loans. There are some fee and penalty that are levied on the personal loans.
A personal loan is the money borrowed by an individual for his/her personal need. There may be many circumstances when you may need personal loan like medical emergency, marriage expanses, home repairs, vacation costs or any other unexpected situation. These loans are different from other type of loans such as education loan, home loan, vehicle loan, etc. which serve a specific purpose. Borrowing personal loan becomes inevitable in some situations.
Crowdfunding is a method of raising fund for financial projects or businesses from a large number of people through online platform. This method is mostly used by the start- up companies or the businesses which are at their growing stage and need fund. There may be other purposes of crowdfunding, such as, medical emergency or a social cause.
If you are a college student, then you have the unfair advantage of time which is crucial for creating wealth. It is not the amount but the time up to which you can remain invested which makes all the difference. You also have risk taking capacity while you are a student which along with time makes a deadly combination for creating long term wealth.
Today, the cost of education, especially higher education has increased immensely. If you are taking admission in a premier institution of the country or going to study abroad, then the cost of education become unaffordable for many parents. In such scenarios, considering the education loan becomes unavoidable. Before taking the education loan, taking care of certain things is important.
Equity investment or you can say investment in stocks or shares, is an asset class which is generally considered risky investment by the retail investors. But there are many advantages of investment in equity, which makes this asset class apex of all other investment avenues.
Real estate, a traditional asset class which is considered a safe option for investment giving best returns in long term has been the preferred choice of investors since ancient times. This asset class comes with many advantages as well as disadvantages. Investing in this asset class means you are investing in properties. There are mainly two types of properties. Residential properties like houses, rental properties and non- residential (commercial) like shops, office spaces, malls, etc.
Yes World token has been launched by Save Earth activist Dr. Sandeep Chaudhary, who is the co- founder of Yes World. It has been created for a noble cause of reducing carbon footprint and making awareness among people regarding issue of global warming and climate change.
When a mutual fund house or asset management company offers units of its new scheme for the first time, it is called ‘New Fund Offer (NFO)’. Just like the IPOs, where the companies offer their shares first time to the investors, the mutual fund companies offer the units of their schemes first time in the form of NFOs. Similar to IPOs, the NFOs are launched in the market to raise capital.